7th GGN Advisory Committee Meeting
Monday 8 April 2024, at 12:00 GMT
Zoom meeting link
Meeting ID: 820 1111 7749 – Passcode: cZuE5p
1. Welcome and adoption of the Agenda
1 Minutes of the 5th GGN Advisory Committee meeting
2. Minutes of the 6th GGN Advisory Committee meeting
Implementation of the GGN Strategic Plan 2023-2025 [link]
- Registration of the Global Geoparks Network logo
- Use of the combined GGN logo from all the GGN bodies (Regional Networks, National Networks, etc.)
- GGN 20th Anniversary celebration
- GGN 20th Anniversary Logo
- Communication Platform / Tools and Contests
- Calendar of Events
- Welcome Digital Event for the New UNESCO Global Geoparks
- GGN Anniversary Celebration in UNESCO Global Geoparks
- International Intensive Course on UNESCO Global Geopark in Lesvos
- GGN Event during the 37th International Geological Conference – Korea
- GGN Events during the Regional Geopark Network Conferences
- New GGN Working Group Initiatives
- Procedure for the establishment of a Long Term GGN Strategic Plan 2025-2035
- Any Other Business